Hmmmmm…can 15 bins full of  partial manuscripts and thousands of scraps of paper with ideas, scenes, and character descriptions count as works in progress?  My vote is yes.   In addition to a hoarder like approach to small bits of creation I have some actual technically correct WIPs.  You know – works that include some story must haves like a full cast of characters, a plot, a beginning, middle, & end.  These are slowly working their way towards the outside world and I cannot wait to share them with you all.


“Passages”  –   Adult/Fiction

A love story that embodies the sacrifices we make for those we care about most, even when we aren’t aware we are making them.   If you died and then came back to life, what would you do for the one you love?

Waterworld Adventures” (working title)   – Children’s Book Series

A hidden family legacy resurfaces when an aunt gives two cousins some unusual gifts.


5 thoughts on “WIP

  1. Hi Laura,… ever thought of ‘combining’ all of them in to one? Make them fit together. I have a back-burner screenplay since 1996 and have recently consolidated with a fiction that I started thinking about last year. They really work together and I guess that is exactly ‘why’ it took so long to move the script along in to something else that it needed. Anyway. Just a thought! Best wishes and happy writing and reading? (Are you on Goodreads? Can we link up there also?) I love to know what people are reading and why, for some good leads. Bye for now, MoonWynd :-)))

    • I hadn’t thought of combining projects but I will def. be taking a look to see if any of my WIPS can work together. Thanks for the idea – I never thought to look at them as a collective whole. Not on GoodReads yet. Currently reading alot of business books – just reread “Start Late, Finish Rich” by Richard Bach and taking another walk through “The Artists Way” by Julia Cameron. I did it years ago and decided to do a refresher. What’s on your book list?

      • Interesting reads for sure. Hope you are having a nice relaxing evening. Well, I’m reading an Orson Welles book right now which is starting out quite good. I have around 100 or so on my to-read list on Goodreads and would like to download some in e-format for the next few months reading material. I have a bit of a quandry: do I download to my Kindle (which is nice but it’s too big and bulky) or…, do I get a smaller ereader but which one? I like the Kobo size (indigo.ca) but now have noticed the Samsung Galaxie Note which is also a phone and excellent little tablet as well. It supports ereaders, but I really don’t need a new phone, so I’m stuck a bit. (?!) So far I’ve only loaded up the free ereads for my Kindle and have played around with it. I really want a small paperback-sized ereader I can easily hold and tuck into a handbag. Do you have one? Which ones do you like? Please tell me your experiences! Nice chatting with you Freshy!
