Four years on WordPress! Happy Anniversary to MEEEEE!!!!




How do you like my lovely laurel wreath?  Does it make my head look big? Thanks WordPress for acknowledging my stick-to-itness (it’s a word if I want it to be).  Four years of blogging, albeit  a bit sporadically, and still typing away.    Yes, yes, also Bubble Witching away, working away, and doing lots of other life related stuff away, but blogging too!  After four years perhaps it’s time for a facelift (easy now people – I meant of the blog page) and some layout changes.   I think it’s time to add a published books page because, well, I FINALLY have one!  And maybe a static first page….and new curtains…and some throw pillows….and a coffee table…..sorry – went a little Pinterest there for a second.  So off to tend to some long overdue fixer uppers on here and looking forward to another 4 years of blah, blah, blogging.

P.S. Update on my last post.  The open letter was published in a local paper in the “Letters to the editor” section!  Yay!  I’m famous!  (in a 20 square foot radius, but still…..)

Lovely Blog Award

One Lovely Blog Award

Thank you, thank you , thank you to Roberta Gordon, author of  “Gemini Witching: Elements 101“.   It is flattering beyond words when a fellow writer finds one’s work worthy of awarding recognition.   One of the great joys of blogging is the vast network of amazing creatives who inspire, encourage, and share the journey that is our craft.  I feel lucky to have found Roberta on this same path.  One click on Roberta’s name above and you will be magically transported to her realm for a visit with this debut author.

The rules of this round of recognitions are as follows:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them.   Check.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself                                                    Check.
  3. Nominate 15 (or so) other bloggers you admire.                        Check.

Here are a few things about me:

  1. I have more notebooks than any one person should ever own.
  2. No matter where I move (and I move a lot), I end up with AWESOME neighbors.  It’s some sort of phenomenon for which I am very grateful.
  3. I cannot be part of a writing critique group because I will never stop editing my own first chapters.
  4. I am usually barefoot or in flip flops.
  5. I like the smell of mesquite.
  6. I throw a great party.
  7. When I’m outlining a story I only write with a black pen or a REALLY sharp pencil.  That’s right, I’m talking take an eye out sharp.

Part three of the blog award asks that I nominate some fellow bloggers that I admire.  It’s hard to pare it down to a handful as there are so many incredible bloggers and I am finding more each day.  To be honest, many days it is a struggle not to get lost in reading all of the other blogs instead of working on my own projects.   My read list is growing faster than Santa’s naughty vs. nice checklist.

Some of these bloggers are fellow writers, photographers, business bloggers, and cartoonists. A few are those brave souls who “diary blog”,  putting their innermost thoughts and dreams out there into the blogosphere.   All are great people who share some part of themselves with the rest of us.

And now for (a sampling of) the blogs that I admire:

I pay tribute to the following as each maintaining One Lovely Blog   

 Vanessa Grassi

Brian Gaynor Photography

The Blonde Coyote

Maze a Day

Lea and Jay**  I’ve road tested some of their recipes – OMG.  You…must…go….there….and….cook!!!!!!

The Laughing House Wife

40 is the new 30

MoonWynd Studio

BA Expat

Kerry Stanley

Kathy’s Thoughts

Moths to a flame

The 4am Writer






Versatile Blogger Award

Versatile Blogger Award

I’m a winner!!!  And this is not just the mantra I tell myself in the mirror every day.  Big huge thanks to fellow WP blogger and writer Michael Olavarria (aka MikeReverb) for nominating me for The Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you Mike!  If you click on his name you will be transported directly to his page where you can check out both Mike’s writing and links to the other bloggers he nominated.

Getting a blogging award is both exciting and validating, especially being new to blogging on a regular basis.  It answers those little nagging questions like “Hey, is anyone out there?” and “If a blogger blogs in cyberspace does anyone hear her?”.  So to those of you who read my work – thanks!

Thankfully Mike provided us the criteria for accepting the award, and I will “pay it forward” because I found it quite helpful as a “newbie” to blog awards.

1. Thank the award-givers and link back to them in your post. 

2. Share 7 things about yourself.   

3. Pass this award along to 15.

4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.

So, here is me sharing 7 things about myself:

1.) Africa, South America, and Montana (yes, the state) are all still on my “can’t wait to check them out” travel list.

2.) One time, at band camp,…..JUST KIDDING! I can’t play any instruments – sadly not even the tambourine.  Maybe the triangle a bit if the crowd isn’t too picky.  The saxophone is my all time favorite but so far none of my offspring want to learn so no living vicariously through them. Ingrates.

3.)  I have gone apple picking every fall since I was a little girl and now live behind an apple orchard.  That is just coincidence….or fate…or destiny….or weird…..

4.) When I went to buy my first brand new, out of the showroom car my Dad talked me out of the pickup truck I really wanted and into a Toyota Corolla because it was practical. FYI – after 200,000 plus miles the Corolla was donated to a good cause.  I am now on my third truck.

5.)  I love pistachio ice cream but whenever I order it invariably whoever I am with says, “Really?  Pistachio?”  Yes.  Pistachio.

6.) I am fascinated with quantum physics.

7.) Whenever someone dies I play my own internal version of competitive funeral attendance.  This is where you “guesstimate” how many people will attend your wake, who will send the biggest flowers, and what will be served at the after party (I’m Irish – there is always a party).  Recently I found out that other people do this too!  So now I call a friend to play.  We’re morbid like that.

15 Nominations (the group below is pretty eclectic – writers, photographers, philosophers of daily life, and so on – but each one has a unique voice or view of the world and I stalk  follow them all)

Lea & Jay

Suzanne Lilly

The Laughing Housewife

All the World’s in Words

Beyond the Call

Moths to a Flame

Arthouse Photography

She Bicycles

Popcorn on the Stove

Never Contrary

Kodilynn Calhoun

Chocolate I Have Known

Sparks Fly Up

Behind the Lens

Aaron Theisen

Well I’m off to spread the wealth.   Have a grand day!