Off Road Life

I should state up front that I am not a quad fanatic, dirtbiker, or Dacar Rally participant(although that last one may have to be added to the bucket list because it is VERY cool).  I am however a big fan of the “road less traveled” lifestyle.  The kind of life lived wherein friends and family simultaneously find themselves both shuddering in horror and desiring to try on some of your choices.

To date I have lived in 24 homes, 2 countries, and 7 states.  My choices are not for the faint of heart – in fact some days I am not even sure if they are for me – but life is short and the world is big.    To many friends and family we are the wild things. The take chances and hopefully land on our feet people. To others we are just plain crazy (not entirely sure they are wrong in that assessment). To myself I think, “Wow – only 2 countries?  When did I get so boring?”

But what about those who have forsaken the path altogether?  They are not on the well-worn nor the less travelled.  Instead they are bushwhacking their way into adventures that even those of us who walk on the wild side are shy to go.

There is a whole other subculture that I envy and whom I want to emulate when I one day pluck some vestige of courage out of the mountain air.  It’s a lifestyle that requires throwing off every expectation of what is “normal” and forging ahead with a boldness that is often mistaken for irresponsibility (okay, that can really be a fine line to walk).

These are the off-road, beating new paths, wild folk who can live in real freedom and toss what the world thinks out the window as they head into the next adventure.   Ahhh..sweet freedom.  Which path do you follow?  Are you a straight and narrow kind of traveler or, to quote some beloved pop culture sci-fi AKA Star Trek, do you yearn “to explore strange new worlds; To seek out new life and new civilizations; To boldly go where no man has gone before” ?

“Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to
decide.”  ~Napoeon Bonaparte

Where will your next adventure take you?

Soul Soother

Six Word Saturday






I poached this fun game from .

Want to play along?  All that’s necessary to participate is to describe your life (or something) in a phrase using just six words. Feel free to explain or not explain. For more information, try clicking here.  (clicking here will magically transport you to Show My Face’s page where you can read more about her and how the game originated)
If you play along in your blog, please add a link.  Please link back to both my page AND Show My Face.

In the little moments

Sometimes life can roar.  The noise of work, play, friends, family, and all the nitty-gritty in between can become so loud that the artist in us must step back and wait for the hubbub to subside.   Lurking behind the frenzy, soaking up all of the interactions, observing and learning.

Finally comes the quiet.  Those precious moments when there is nothing but the expression of art pouring out into the silence to fill the space with something new, something that has been growing behind the noise.

Often we find so much more than our creativeness during the in between times.   We find ourselves.  There is a peace and centering that comes with being hushed and finally hearing the thoughts that only speak to us in a whisper.

Take a moment today to find the quiet, to hear your inner artist, and to hear yourself.

A word or 270 about Draw Something….

I have a pressing issue that can wait no longer to be discussed.  Draw Something.  Are you familiar with this smart phone app?  It’s a slightly addictive game that is basically worldwide Pictionary© on your phone/ipad® and I have a problem.

Am I the only one who gets a little twinge of sadness when someone exits a game?  Am I alone in my quest for better words because, let’s face it, how many times can one draw a penguin, an igloo, and that weird cartoon girl with the big yellow bow?  And how many uncomfortable times do we have to watch people try to draw something for the word lick? Ick…..

I would like to direct this next portion to the nudgers out there – and you know who you are. Do you think that I spend so many hours crafting carefully drawn depictions of household items for my benefit?  Or to avoid writing?  No people, it’s all for you.  I certainly am not hoarding points so that I can expand my color palette to every hue of the rainbow for my own sake.  It is simply because I want your guessing experience to be as rich and enjoyable as possible.    That’s right, I do this for YOU!

So please, don’t NUDGE me when I have to step away from the phone to conduct the rest of my life.  And don’t JUDGE me when my drawing of the Eiffel tower comes out resembling more like the leaning tower of Pisa.

This game means something to me – it means being there for YOU.  You’re welcome.

O is for Overkill

Day 17 the Blogging From A to Z challenge April 2012“O”


Open mind outpours onto you                 

Outlaying odes and obtending   

Organity, often sending

One’s own ontography on through.

Orthology eludes a few

Overcome by overt mending,

Once corrected it’s worth sending.

Organized octonary coup!


Octastich or Octave = A strophe, stanza, or poem consisting of eight verses or lines.  When using the latter term, the eight lines usually have a rhyming scheme of a/b/b/a/a/b/b/a.

Octosyllabic = having eight syllables per line.

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PLEASE NOTE:  This is my original material so…….Off with you odorous old oinker.  Obnoxious, overt, ogling of my original outpourings will obviously offend me.

Over and Out (trucker)